High-Quality, Nutritious Animal Feeds Made of Clean, Green Ingredients Grown in the USA
We are sustainable and local agriculture believers, family farmers, and long-time devotees to animal husbandry. We rely on sustainably sourced and USA-grown ingredients to produce nutritious formulas of healthy cold-pressed pellets, grains, seeds, herbs and botanicals.
Our formulas are milled in small batches, always fresh, and are developed for farmers who want to feed their animals in a way that matches their overall farming goals.
Union Point is celebrating more than 20 years of pioneering and milling high-quality feeds with the insights and expertise of our nutritionist and millers. We are devoted to long-term success and ensuring that we stay true to our original vision of high-quality feeds formulated with sustainably sourced products and backed by the science of nutrition.

Founder Alice Royle has always been horse crazy. The original Union Point inspiration was an old Quarter Horse mare named Tess. Alice's current favorite is a POA gelding named Chips. This September 2021 photo offers a distant view of the mill.
How it Began: History of the Mill
In operating Union Point Ranch, near Brownsville, Oregon, we regularly wished for a reliable source for the high-quality feeds we wanted for our horses, poultry, sheep, cows, and goats. In our search for the right feeds in the right amounts, we found that we were not alone. There was no longer a source for small quantities of fresh, high-quality custom feeds.
So, in 2001, we went to work. We applied our knowledge of animal husbandry, belief in the central role nutrition plays in the animal health equation, and 25 years of experience in the business world. We talked to other ranchers about their feed needs and concerns and researched the best ways to fill feed orders of all sorts and sizes. We built our own mill to ensure we could meet the demands we had identified. Soon after, we began turning out small amounts of feeds in an old-fashioned tradition that put quality first.
We named the mill after the location of our ranch and the pioneer townsite on which it was built. But after all these years, it's also an appropriate name for what we do as we build each feed: We always deliver the perfect union of ingredients, source, nutrition and form.