Two Booklets for History Buffs

We love history, particularly as it relates to homesteading. Check out these old feed booklets!

The “Ful-O-Pep Way” booklet was a promotional planning booklet published by Quaker Oats back in 1923. There are recommendations for chicken care, breeding, poultry house construction, and diet. This is particularly good for capturing the fundamentals of chicken production from that era!

The Ful-O-Pep Way - 1923 (6th Edition)

Step back in time! If you're interested in how feeds were made "back in the day" we think you'll enjoy this handbook, released by the University of North Carolina and the US Department of Agriculture in October of 1940.

Feed Formulas for Poultry - 1940


Our Feed Makes a Patagonia Photo Shoot!


Truth in Advertising: GMOs